metalogic supplies and manages both mP Cloud and the Azure Cloud Account
Under SaaS – Fully Managed Services – metalogic offers a contract for mP Cloud, which allows the customer to use the application for its daily forecasting purposes. Metalogic provides the customer with mP Cloud as well as all licensed options in the Azure Cloud. For both the mP Cloud application and the Azure Cloud resources, metalogic assumes responsibility for entire technical operations, but not for forecasting operations. The customer provides all data required for the forecasting operation to its dedicated mP Cloud account.
An important advantage of SaaS is on the one hand the offloading of tasks from the customer’s own IT department, both from the technical and the personnel perspective and on the other hand the transfer for the technical operations to metalogic – the producer of the mP Cloud forecasting application, which it ensures with its vast expertise and experience. The user also benefits from the direct contact to metalogic, which in turn can react quickly and effectively to any situation that arises, without having to wait for others.
SaaS is not a new concept, on the contrary there are numerous successful SaaS providers of various applications in the market who have offered SaaS services from the beginning. In the case of metalogic, we are at a stage where our investments in Azure cloud technology and operations are being widely accepted by our customers.
The software does not need to be delivered, installed, or configured. Also, no hardware or anything else must be provided by the IT department. mP Cloud is available for you at any time for testing purposes. Simply submit a test request to metalogic and we will provide you with access to a dedicated mP Cloud test environment. And if you provide your own data, then you can immediately experience the benefits of using mP Cloud for forecasting live with your own data!
Provided your assessment of the test results is positive, then the transition from a test operation to a productive operation is not far away. Of course, the data source must be connected first, but with its large number of existing interfaces and APIs, metalogic normally achieves this without much effort. This gives you the possibility to start using mP Cloud quickly and to take advantage of the benefits.
Compared to the operating cost of one’s own IT infrastructure and personnel, the Cloud related costs are comparatively low. As the supplier of the Azure Cloud platform, Microsoft offers one of the largest global networks of cloud infrastructure, available at very attractive prices. And metalogic, as your SaaS partner for mP Cloud, ensures that cloud costs are only incurred when the cloud resources are being used for the forecasting operations. This results in comparatively low costs.
An undeniable advantage of cloud operations is scalability, which allows, for example, to process large volumes of data within the shortest possible time. In terms of forecasting, this means that you no longer must wait long for up-to-date forecast results to be delivered. Other response times also benefit significantly from the scalability of cloud resources. mP Cloud, due to its existing interfaces and API technology, can also be readily connected to other applications and data sources as needed.
In the context of SaaS managed services, the commissioning of new updates and software releases of mP Cloud is usually carried out fully independent and transparent to the user. This eliminates the need for months of compatibility testing, etc. Updates in the cloud are now in the hands of metalogic, which ensures the availability and continuous operation of mP Cloud.